Ferretti Yachts INFYNITO 90
Ferretti Yachts INFYNITO 90 - Lifestyle
INFYNITO 终于成型:INFYNITO 90业已问世,这是新系列的第一款游艇,现已准备好开辟新征程,推动法拉帝游艇走向未来。
无论您的目的地在何方,INFYNITO 90都可以让您达成所愿,将您带到前所未闻的远方,提供远比“Just Like Home”更强烈的体验。受探险船的启发,这款新艇无论白天还是黑夜都能远航。 得益于其高速排水船体设计,该款游艇的最高速度可达22节,在15节速度下可航行500海里,在12节的经济航速下可航行1200海里。
内饰的主要特点是与外部世界的强大联系和开放空间设计,为您提供广阔的视野,带来更加无限的体验。 这款船型提供数不胜数的可定制项目,所以准备好享受这前所未有的舒适吧。这款船型有两种室内设计风格,三种主甲板布局——首次实现增加健身房的想法,让您获得完全沉浸式的健康体验,还有两种下层甲板布置。 您值得获得最佳体验。防晒遮雨的天空休憩厅也有各种配置可选,使INFYNITO 90成为法拉帝游艇系列中首款封闭甲板船型。在这一制高点,您可以欣赏壮丽的景色,并获得最佳体感。 多功能性是这款船型的优势之一,其首次引入了可持续材料和利用再生能源的太阳能屋顶,标志着一个令人激动的新开端。
Upper Deck
Upper Deck - Dining Area OPT
Main Deck - Show Kitchen OPT
Main Deck - Master Cabin OPT
- Alternative Layouts
Lower Deck - Multi Purpose Room OPT
26.95 [m] 88 ft 5 in
23.95 [m] 78 ft 7 in
7.31 [m] 24 ft 0 in
2.02 [m] 6 ft 8 in
95000 [kg] 209,439 [lbs]
111000 [kg] 244,713 [lbs]
12500 [l] 3,302 [US gal]
1800 [l] 476 [US gal]
MAN V 12 1550
20 [kn]
15 [kn]
B + F + A1 (Sound Emission) RINA S.p.A.
MAN V12 1800
22 [kn]
17 [kn]
Request the brochure or contact us to receive information customised to your needs.
No dream is too big: with a length of 100 feet, the breath taking new Ferretti Yachts flagship takes the company into uncharted territory. Majestic, versatile and suitable for all markets, Ferretti Yachts 1000 has reshaped spaces and changed the whole approach to life on board. It features unprecedented design solutions and a choice of two different moods for the interiors. Owners and their guests can enjoy complete privacy and make the most of the exterior thanks to an extremely innovative and practical aft beach area and a spacious flybridge that is connected directly to the forward section.
Make room for the sky. Let the sky flood in to your exclusive upper-deck lounge.
Ferretti Yachts 940: 结合广阔空间与精致设计的宽体游艇
Ferretti Yachts 800 revolutionises the sea experience.
This flybridge yacht, with its streamlined design, sleek lines and sharp styling, satisfies the owner’s every wish in terms of comfort, style, seaworthiness and safety at sea. After the recent major restyling, Ferretti Yachts 780 features extensive glazed surfaces in the hull, giving the sleek and streamlined profile a sportier look, new furnishings, with an enlarged bar in a central position in the standard layout, and redesigned interiors, with the possibility of choosing between two moods: classic or contemporary.
该艇出自知名设计师Filippo Salvetti之手,他和法拉帝集团携手打造了一个全新的游艇外观风格。作为法拉帝游艇舰队的新晋成员,720解锁了航海体验的全新方式,巧妙地将舒适和奢华航海的理念提高到新的层次。这个高度让您的海上生活充满品味,犹如水上居家一般,体验前所未有的优雅舒适与幸福美满。
The new flybridge celebrates the brand’s continuous evolution in pursuit of the perfect blend of comfort, liveability and refined beauty. This major restyling introduces exclusive features such as the elegant new exterior styling, the redesigned hard top, and interiors by Ideaeitalia.
An emblem of Modern Luxury, the new Ferretti Yachts 580 has ideal features for an intimate and comfortable experience of the sea in perfect Ferretti Yachts style.
Sustainability criteria, more covered exterior surface area and continuity between interiors and exteriors are the key features of Ferretti Yachts INFYNITO 80.
© 2025 FERRETTI SPA - 增值税号 04485970968
Ferretti S.p.A. 增值税号 04485970968 法人地址, via Irma Bandiera 62, 47841 Cattolica (RN) 意大利 R.E.A : RN - 296608 - Num. R.I. RN04485970968 股本 € 338.482.654,00 i.v. 认证电子邮箱: ferrettispa@pec.it